Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Visit to the Fire Station

There is a fan that comes to all the basketball games and is always asking Jeff's teammate Bryan if he would come up to the fire station to visit and take a tour. So we all thought it would be fun to take the kids, but I think Bryan and Jeff had more fun than anyone :) Trey was scared of the fire truck ladder that took Bryan and Jeff up in the air. Trey thought Daddy wasn't coming back, so he was not liking this trip so far. But, Trey warmed up when he got to see the inside of the fire trucks and take the tour throughout the station.

Does Bryan look a little scared in this picture?! Ha :) Bryan is letting Trey know it's ok. Ignore the red eye that I could not fix on Trey, do you see how scared he was for his Daddy? Poor guy!Here is Jeff being goofy (as usual) on the firemen pole
Then we have stripper Turbo on the firemen pole.. And this is what the babies were doing throughout the evening...Look at Baby Hudson, not sure if he was trying to poop or getting ready to give us a smile, either way isn't he a cutie?! :)

Trey was excited to get his very own firemen's helmet..

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